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GitHub Pages with DreamHost

It’s been a long, confusing day as I’ve migrated some of my old content to Jekyll hosted by GitHub Pages served by DreamHost. In the hopes of saving some poor soul out there the same pain I’ve been through, I’m going to make this as simple and straightforward as I can. I drive stick with Jekyll on Mac OS X – I do not use GitHub’s page generator. If you want to use the page generator, you may still use this guide as a reference, but I’m sorry that it won’t line up perfectly.

Assume your GitHub username is bobbins, your domain name is, and you want to use for your Jekyll blog. Assume you want to store your blog at ~/blog. (If you want to use the www subdomain for your blog, it’s a little more complicated, but that information is here, too. Read the whole tutorial before you start; I backtrack a bit for www.)


Create a new repository over at GitHub and name it

You are done on GitHub (unless you use the web to create files, in which case, God rest your soul).


Ensure you have Ruby, version 2 or later. The following makes a directory in your home folder called blog, installs the github-pages gem in the project, and scaffolds (i.e. generates) a skeleton Jekyll site. It then creates an appropriate CNAME file and commits everything to a git repository it initializes. Finally, it adds GitHub as the upstream origin for your master branch and pushes.

mkdir ~/blog && cd ~/blog
echo "source ''" >> Gemfile
echo "gem 'github-pages'" >> Gemfile
sudo gem install bundler
bundle install
bundle exec jekyll new bupkis
mv bupkis/* .
rmdir bupkis
echo -n "" > CNAME
git init
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git remote add origin
git push –set-upstream origin master


  1. Login to your DreamHost control panel.
  2. In the main menu (on the left sidebar), go to Domains → Manage Domains.
  3. On the left, just under your domain name, click ‘DNS’.
  4. Add a custom DNS record to named blog, type CNAME, with a value of

You’re done!

Yes, all this took me the whole day. I lost a lot of time messing with so-called A records. I have to admit that I am one of those people who has very little idea what he’s doing, but everything I managed to do was able to be undone. In the end, it was simply a matter of time in waiting for the changes I made to propagate to the DNS servers. However, the longest wait was for the following change:

Using the www subdomain#

When using their web hosting service, DreamHost reserves the www subdomain (among others) to manage your account. That means that you cannot give www a CNAME record pointing to GitHub Pages.

If you wish to do this, you must change the type of your registration to DNS-only. In the domain listing, under the Web Hosting column, review the information for your domain by clicking edit. After you’ve read and understand exactly what you’re about to remove, go ahead and scroll all the way to bottom, type in, and save by clicking ‘Host DNS Only!’. After that, change the CNAME file in your repository to use the www subdomain. After you do this and your changes take effect, traffic to will be redirected to your Pages site.